"British Pronunciation 'Sheep' Vs 'Ship'
ATTENTION: Do NOT be concerned if you sound British after you take this course
Easily Increase Your Confidence And Success By Just Swapping How You Pronounce English

--> In 7 Easy Steps

*Promotion: one payment of only £37

Easily Increase Your Confidence And Success By Just Swapping How You Pronounce English

--> In 7 Easy Steps

*Promotion: one payment of only £37

My Mission:

To help every English Learner STOP being treated like an Outsider ... through the secret POWER of British Pronunciation

Does this happen to you?

In your native language you feel attractive, important, and included...

You're an Insider...

But when you speak English...

  • You feel socially rejected
  • Ignored or avoided
  • Get asked to repeat yourself
  • Treated like you're stupid
  • Talked down to
  • Judged by your accent
  • Treated differently to natives
  • Are a lesser version of yourself

You're an Outsider...

And unless you learned pronunciation when you learned English:

It's NOT your fault!

I overcame my pronunciation challenges and I became socially accepted...

And when I discovered English Learners were having the same difficulties I did...

I created the British Accent Method...

To help you quickly and easily swap your pronunciation...

And become an Insider... Just like a native...

Michael Roberts

Fighting For Your Confidence In English

Here's Exactly What You'll Discover In The British Pronunciation

Finally, I have put together the complete system I use to help my clients develop native-level connected speech... which can double your confidence almost overnight... and transform your accent, career success, and attractiveness in English.

This is the complete step-by-step system all my clients go through, and it gives them confidence like nothing they've ever tried before.

I made it my mission to help non-native English speakers express themselves clearly and with a confident accent...

And now you can too...

Here's EVERYTHING You're About To Get

Lessons, exercises and tutorials so you feel confident in your accent and stop questioning yourself when you speak
You will be able to give yourself the confidence you've been lacking in English, and speak authentically like you do in your native language
You will impress others with your attractive English pronunciation, and make it clear that you're a serious professional

Here's How You'll Do It In Just 5 SIMPLE Steps

Module 1 | BRITISH Mindset

£127 Value

Take on the MINDSET of a British Insider and gain the confidence you have in your native language FAST!

Here’s What I’ll Show You...


You don't have to wait until your pronunciation is perfect to start speaking confidently like a native!


You become confident and 'one of the club' the moment you realise you're on the path to success ...

In Module 1 you will discover the Insider mindset and set yourself up for British Pronunciation success...


You are swapping your pronunciation and have taken on the identity and confidence of someone who pronounces English clearly...

Module 2 | AWARENESS: Stop THESE Mistakes & Double Your Confidence

£127 Value

The QUICKEST way to speak clearly is simply to discover these common Outsider pronunciation mistakes and stop making them!

Here’s What I’ll Show You...


Discover the 3 mistakes you're probably making right now, that will stop you pronouncing at least 5 sounds clearly... even if you can hear the difference between them 


You'll uncover why English sounds change in pronunciation depending on the word... and why it's a mistake to always pronounce them in the same way


Discover the confusing pairs of words that contain these sounds which catch most people out!

Module 3 | 44 BRITISH SOUNDS

£127 Value

Master All English Sounds So You Start Speaking Clearly And Stop Getting Judged By Your Accent

Here’s What I’ll Show You...


How to develop native-level English pronunciation of all the sounds in English so that you stop getting asked to repeat yourself and stop mixing up words (e.g 'sheet' and 'shit')


Step by step tutorials that show you EXACTLY how to pronounce the English sounds that you're native language doesn't have...

So that you understand how to speak like a native and feel confident talking to native English speakers


[WARNING] These Exercises are a MUST. If you don’t practise them your English Pronunciation will sound unclear and unnatural


£127 Value

Discover How English Rhythm Is Different To Your Native Language And Find Your Voice In English

Here’s What I’ll Show You...


Discover the 5 keys to native English rhythm, and apply them to your speech


Improve your English listening and see how your rhythm affects your accent


Discover how by intentionally being lazy... you can actually speak more clearly!


Increase your confidence by discovering how the rhythm of English is different to your native language


Understand how English should feel when you speak and find your voice in English


£127 Value

Become A Native English Speaker By Removing Non-Native Pauses And STOP Feeling Like You're Choking When You Speak

Here’s What I’ll Show You...


Discover simple strategies to make your English flow smoothly and stop feeling unnatural


STOP pausing unnaturally by removing the word boundaries which stop you from speaking like a native


Understand rapid speech and improve your English listening


Your English will 'come to life'


Be guided through the process with real-world examples and easy to follow training


£127 Value

Become A Native English Speaker By Removing Non-Native Pauses And STOP Feeling Like You're Choking When You Spea k

Here’s What I’ll Show You...


Add tonality into your English to supercharge your communication


Gain influence by using sub-verbal communication to communicate assertively


STOP sounding rude or disinterested when in fact you mean the opposite


Engage in conversations naturally and boost your confidence when speaking


Feel your best in English and become a native when you speak

£127 Value

Go from fluent to native with these advanced native-only secrets

Here’s What I’ll Show You...


How natives mispronounce sounds to make English easier to speak and how you can do the same without sounding weird or unnatural


Why it's a mistake to pronounce every consonant when when a word contains several - natives are lazy and you should do the same

BONUS 1 | British Vowels and Consonants Checklist 

£67 Value

Here’s What I’ll Show You...


Discover all 3 kinds of vowel sounds in English including the long vowel sounds your native language doesn't have


Uncover the 24 Consonant sounds that make English unique


Self-Diagnose your English pronunciation mistakes and the sounds you lack confidence with in English

BONUS 2 | 'ee' Vs 'i' Vs 'ie' Workshop 

£297 Value

Here’s What I’ll Show You...


Get access to an exclusive 'ee' Vs 'i' Vs 'ear' Workshop I did for my Insiders community to help you implement all 3 sounds into your speaking like a native


Watch as I provide REAL human feedback... something you can NOT get from a course on it's own


Speakers of over 43 languages have followed the process I taught in the workshop - It's proven and it works

BONUS 3 | Pronunciation Scorecard Assessment and Personalised Improvement Guide

£227 Value

You'll receive a detailed analysis of your pronunciation weaknesses and a personalised step-by-step guide on what to improve and how

Here’s What I’ll Show You...


Get Results 3X Faster: Fast-track your way to success by following a personal step-by-step improvement plan


Reduce the time it takes to see results by only focusing on what's holding you back


Uncover areas you never knew were affecting your pronunciation


Benefit from a powerful pronunciation diagnosis tool you can (and should) revisit periodically to maximise your confidence in English


Save Time and Effort: The Assessment measures your accent on the 52 areas of success that give you clear and confident British pronunciation and creates 'done for you' roadmap to success

Laura - France

Here's Why This is Worth £995 to your life in English...

Get Rid of Outsider Disese. STOP getting asked to repeat yourself when you speak
Feel attractive, important, and included and increase your status and success
Give yourself confidence by simply SWAPPING how you pronounce English. You'll speak more clearly in EVERY conversation you have ... 

Here's Why This Training Would Normally Cost £497...

If I were to teach this to you myself, it would take me at least 5 hours to make sure you master the 7 steps in the system...

That may sound like a lot of time...

But that's how important this is to your success in English!

Many of my clients invest this...

And they get great value for money when they quickly feel their confidence increase.


You're not going to pay £497 today.

I made it my mission to help non-native English speakers grow their confidence, and careers in English. 

I've created this Crash Course... so you can improve your life in English, and get all the benefits TODAY without my private help.

Because of that, I'm releasing the British Pronunciation Crash Course today at the lowest rate possible...

Normally £237  Today Just £37

*Until Promotion finishes

60 Day Risk Free 100% Money Back Guarantee

If you don't like it, I'll give you your money back.

(And you can even keep the course!)

I know how much more confidence you'll have speaking English... because you've been through this course.

You're going to love it!

I've invested ££££ in online courses to save time and grow my career, and I still get nervous every time I buy.

That's why I'm giving you a FULL 60 days to try the course WITHOUT risk.

Cancel any time... for any reason... just by emailing me at Michael@accentmethod.com

Easy as that!

I know how hard it is to find quality training, so I don't want to waste anyone's time.

The course is getting professionals like you BIG results ...
I'm receiving positive feedback about my English from different people. I gained confidence, fluency, and a clear view of what is yet to improve. The results I've got are way higher than expectations at the beginning.
 - Vadim Galavanov - Russia

My pronunciation has massively improved which has boosted my confidence to contribute in business meetings and speak to clients on the phone. I now come across more eloquent which increases my value as a professional."
 - Ismael Massó - Spain

Here's All You Need To Do Now

To get instant access to the British Pronunciation Crash Course right now, simply fill in your details on the secure form below.

Then press the black button that says 'join now'.

I will then email you your password and login details to the course, as well as some additional pronunciation bonuses for you!

If you have any questions, send me an email at Michael@accentmethod.com

Simply fill out the form below now to get instant access...

It has made a huge change in my life. I feel more confident in everyday chitchat, and also I got a better job

 - Monika Altmanova - Czech Republic

Divider Text

"I'm already seeing a return on my investment because my customers are taking me more seriously"
George - Armenia

Shio - Japan

Purva - India

"I'm totally satisfied that I made the right decision as my English improved tremendously"
Alberto - Portugal

In case you skipped to the end of the page (like I often do!)... Here's a summary of everything you're getting today:


Course| British Pronunciation - Speak Like A Native FAST £297 Value


BONUS 1 | British Vowels and Consonants Checklist £67 Value


BONUS 2 | 'ee' Vs 'i' Vs 'ie' Workshop £297 Value


BONUS 3 | Pronunciation Scorecard Assessment and Personalised Improvement Guide £227 Value

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